Port Charles Recaps: The week of on PC

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Monday, January 8

Jack found Chris at the hospital and correctly accused him of being the reason that his calls and visits aren't going through to Livvie. Jack strongly let Chris know that nothing is going to break him and Livvie up.

Eve was happy to be back in Port Charles, but confused because the last thing that she could remember was Christmas Eve. Kevin tried to reassure her that her memory would come back in time. Eve was still uneasy because she could feel that she was so close to something, but couldn't remember what.

Ian told Joe how Eve doesn't remember their time together. Joe tried to rationalize the situation by saying that those memories may be too difficult for Eve to deal with right now so they aren't coming through.

Chris claimed that if Jack really cared about Livvie he would leave town. Jack wondered how much his leaving town would be worth to Chris. After Chris presented Jack with $10,000 cash, he asked Jack to be honest with him about why he came to Port Charles. Jack told Chris what he wanted to hear, that he had come and used Livvie to get to Chris. After Jack left the room, Chris revealed a tape recorder with their conversation on it.

Lucy tried to put Scott on retainer so that she could have lawyer/client confidentiality in her favor when she confessed to him that she was the one who tampered with the DNA results.

Livvie showed up at the hospital to check on Kevin and Eve. She expressed concern over how Eve's reappearance would affect Lucy since she and Kevin had grown so close. Kevin made it clear to Livvie that, whether he wanted to be with Lucy or not, he was going to stay with Eve.

Scott was painfully surprised at Lucy's confession. Scott completely understood Lucy's backwards way of thinking, but accused her of doing this, not only to protect Kevin, but to have Kevin all to herself. Scott's advice was that Lucy come forward now and tell everyone what she did rather than letting them figure out it was her. At first, Lucy liked the idea of running off to Bora Bora better, but she realized that she couldn't leave Serena and Kevin behind. Lucy decided that she would need to tell Kevin first so that he didn't hear it from the police first.

Jack surprised Livvie was a roomful of gorgeous flowers. Livvie was overwhelmed and overjoyed that Jack was back. She had been nervous when she hadn't heard from him, but Jack let her know that he isn't going anywhere.

As soon as Eve was left alone, Ian rushed in the room. Joe tried to stop him by saying that it may not be the best thing for Eve to force her to remember what happened between them, but Ian wouldn't listen. As Ian was holding her hand, Eve remembered a kiss that they had shared while being held captive. When she awoke, she was happy to see Ian there.

Lucy ran into Kevin in the cafeteria and prepared to tell Kevin everything.

Chris called the police to report that someone stole $10,000 from him.

Tuesday, January 9

Though Alison urges him not to take the incident in the alley to heart, Jamal angrily reminds her that the race issue is one which will never go away. Jack explains to an irate Livvie how Chris prevented him from reaching her by phone. Lucy nervously prepares to confess her indiscretion to Kevin. Meanwhile, Eve told a hopeful Ian that she now remembers a small part of their Christmas Eve. Lucy chickens out and clams up about her trick with the DNA results. Eve confides to Gail how frightened she is by the memories which are filtering back. Certain Lucy is harboring a secret, Kevin presses her to come clean. At the Recovery Room, Livvie looks on in alarm as Garcia places Jack under arrest. Gail convinces Eve that her "fantasies" about Ian stem from a natural sense of gratitude for his part in her rescue. Later, Gail privately advises Ian to back off and give Eve some time and space in which to heal. Lucy finally summons up enough courage to admit the truth to Kevin.

Wednesday, January 10

Garcia informs a startled Jack that he's under arrest for stealing ten thousand dollars. Lucy admits to Kevin that she knew Ian and Eve were alive because she was the one who changed the DNA results. At the precinct house, the mystery woman humbly apologizes to Ian for running down his "wife". Stunned when Lucy explains how she altered the test results in an effort to protect him from what she believed to be the awful truth about Eve's infidelity, Kevin rages at his lover for putting him through hell. As he's led away in handcuffs, Jack promises a frantic Livvie that everything will be alright. Terrified when some anonymous benefactor posts her bail, the hit-and-run driver suddenly changes her tune and insists she slammed into Eve deliberately. Chris feigns surprise to see his kid brother hauled into the police station. Though an incensed Kevin accuses her of manipulating people's lives for her own benefit, Lucy begs him to believe that she had no personal agenda except to preserve him from unnecessary pain. The mystery woman slips into Ian's bedroom as he sleeps.

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Thursday, January 11


Troubled by dreams which seem all too real, Eve confides to Karen how she can't stop thinking about Ian. Meanwhile, Ian finds the mystery woman sleeping on his couch. Karen advises Eve to ask Ian straight out if anything of an intimate nature transpired between them while they were kept captive by Harris. Frank vows to fight Courtney for full custody if she attempts to take Neil off to Paris. Ian's uninvited guest eavesdrops from the next room as Kevin demands that Dr. Thornheart reveal whatever it is that Eve doesn't want to face. When Ian insists that he wasn't having an affair with his colleague's wife, Kevin confronts him with the love letter he found. Frank and Karen commiserate about their stalled love lives. Gabriela describes for Eve the wake her pals held for her at the Recovery Room. Later, Eve is startled when Gaby told her how Ian seems to have finally found the love of his life. Cornered by Kevin, Ian claims the kiss he gave Eve was strictly one-sided.

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Friday, January 12


Kevin rushes back to the lighthouse after learning that his wife checked herself out of the hospital. Stunned to find Ian with his arms around a beautiful woman, Eve slips away from the Scanlon house. Meanwhile, Ariana thanks Ian for trying to comfort her but tearfully declares that no one can help her escape her pursuers. Eve heads to Karen's place, where she confides how she glimpsed Ian in the arms of his "lover". Ariana finally admits to Ian that she's running away from her family because she fears for her life. Lucy apologizes again to Kevin, then rips up her deck of Tarot cards as a symbolic gesture to prove how sincere she is about changing her ways. Thinking about the night of the accident, Ariana asks Ian how he can just walk away from a woman he obviously loves so dearly. Determined to stop fantasizing about Ian, Eve vows to keep her distance from him from now on. Ariana shows her new friend a photo of Ben and cautions him to be on the look-out. Across town, Ariana's brother introduces himself to Karen. Lucy and Kevin begin to succumb once again to their feelings for one another.

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Recaps for the week of January 10, 2000 (Following Week)


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