Port Charles Recaps: The week of on PC

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Monday, April 2

In 1973, Cookie tries again to send a message to Frank but panics to hear her drunken father approaching. Meanwhile, in the here and now, Karen told Frank she's worried that they've become overly obsessed with their new e-mail correspondent. Ripping off their clothes, Ian and Eve give in to their lust and make love in an empty room at the hospital. Back at the loft, Ben corners his terrified sister, who tries frantically to fight him off. Cookie's father slaps her for back talking him. Wielding a large knife, Ben icily informs Arianna that her so-called husband is in the sack with the woman he really loves. Later, Kevin drops by the loft and is appalled to find Arianna lying in a pool of her own blood. Basking in the afterglow, Eve and Ian happily daydream about building a home together and raising a family. Downstairs, Gaby gasps in horror to see Arianna arrive in the ER with multiple stab wounds. As Kevin gives his statement to the police, Ben calmly saunters into the precinct house. Responding to an urgent page, Ian struggles to revive his wife after Arianna went into cardiac arrest.

Tuesday, April 3

Lucy drops by to check on Livvie, who glumly reveals how Chris used her personal journal to scam her so cruelly. Though Kevin insists he can testify to the identity of Arianna's attacker, a sneering Ben haughtily informs the police that he has diplomatic immunity and cannot be touched. Meanwhile, in the ER, Ian and Joe finally manage to get Arianna's heart restarted and the doctors rush their patient up to the operating room. The consul's attache reminds an outraged Kevin that Ben's new status with his country's embassy puts him out of bounds of the American legal system. Determined not to let Ben get away with attempted murder, Kevin invokes a little-used state law and orders the "diplomat" put under observation for 72 hours in GH's psych ward. As Monica takes charge of Arianna's surgery, Ian and Eve anxiously look on from the scrub room. Kicking himself for leaving his wife so vulnerable, a guilt-ridden Ian told Eve he is to blame for Arianna's injuries. Lucy admits to Livvie how she and Kevin witnessed the humiliating scene at Chris' apartment, then is astonished when the girl thanks her for caring enough to meddle. Ben sneaks away from his hospital room and confronts Ian.

Wednesday, April 4

Lucy drops by to check on Livvie, who glumly reveals how Chris used her personal journal to scam her so cruelly. Though Kevin insists he can testify to the identity of Arianna's attacker, a sneering Ben haughtily informs the police that he has diplomatic immunity and cannot be touched. Meanwhile, in the ER, Ian and Joe finally manage to get Arianna's heart restarted and the doctors rush their patient up to the operating room. The consul's attache reminds an outraged Kevin that Ben's new status with his country's embassy puts him out of bounds of the American legal system. Determined not to let Ben get away with attempted murder, Kevin invokes a little-used state law and orders the "diplomat" put under observation for 72 hours in GH's psych ward. As Monica takes charge of Arianna's surgery, Ian and Eve anxiously look on from the scrub room. Kicking himself for leaving his wife so vulnerable, a guilt-ridden Ian told Eve he is to blame for Arianna's injuries. Lucy admits to Livvie how she and Kevin witnessed the humiliating scene at Chris' apartment, then is astonished when the girl thanks her for caring enough to meddle. Ben sneaks away from his hospital room and confronts Ian.

Thursday, April 5

Jack reveals how he found Sam naked in his bed, then is alarmed to learn from Alison that Livvie undoubtedly got an eyeful when she went to his room the night before. At the Recovery Room, Lucy suggests to an angry Livvie that Sam may have been trying to ambush Jack. As he returns from the police station, Kevin told Ian and Eve that Ben's plummet from the roof has been officially ruled an accident. Livvie's constant whining finally gets to Lucy, who advises the girl to shape up and start taking responsibility for her own life. After Livvie grudgingly admits that she has made some mistakes, Lucy encourages her to take a step back and rediscover a time and place when things were better with Jack. Following a second run-in with his former friends, Jamal confides to a worried Alison another troublesome piece of his past. Meanwhile, Sam and Zach decide to switch the focus of their strategy from Jack to Alison. Ian explains to Kevin why he's so determined not to let Arianna down ever again. Jack wanders down to the river and is astonished to see Livvie step nude from the water. Lucy gives Kevin a badly needed pep talk which boosts his spirits. Eve urges an unconscious Arianna to fight for her life.

Friday, April 6

Jack and Livvie succumb to desire and come together for a passionate kiss. Frank unplugs "Nellie" but is astonished to see Cookie's last message still displayed on the screen. As an anguished Eve looks on, Ian promises Arianna that he won't leave her. Though Karen again urges him not to respond to Cookie, Frank decides to try to find his young correspondent a counselor she can speak to in person. Livvie promises Jack that she's through with his deceitful brother. Afterwards, Jack and Livvie happily declare their love to one another. Fighting back tears, Eve confides to Chris how she has having sex with Ian at the very moment that Arianna was being brutally stabbed by her psychotic brother. Though Chris tries to assuage his friend's guilt, Eve bitterly blames herself for the mess three lives have become. Frank offers to find Cookie some professional help but she balks at revealing where she lives. Awash in guilt, Ian vows never to let Arianna down again. Karen stumbles over a photo of her Aunt Caroline taken back in 1973. Meanwhile, Frank is stunned when Cookie finally discloses that she lives in Port Charles. Ian informs Eve that it's over.

Recaps for the week of January 10, 2000 (Following Week)


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